• Opening Times: Mon - Sat 9.00 am - 6.00 pm

Compressed Air Leak Management


Finding a leak is not enough….

Would like to adopt compressed air leak management?????? We offer a unique holistic approach to the compressed air system optimization that enables us to identify opportunities for energy savings improvements, undiscovered inefficiencies and reveal the root cause of any potential issues causing downsize of the performance of compressed air system and easy way to control the leaks…..

Base-Level Compressed Air Audit

  • Walk-through survey using ultrasonic leak detection, data collection and system check as per the base-level requirements of the audit standard.
  • Leak audit survey report produced, including identification of system efficiency improvements and where investment-level auditing work is required.

Advanced-Level Compressed Air Audit

  • In-depth data collection, ultrasonic leak detection assessment survey, in-line flow loggings, electrical power quality loggings and heating repairs services, pressure loggings and detailed calculations as per the investment-level requirements of the audit standards.
  • Comprehensive report produced, including description with making the processing if the servcing guides with full functioned Maids ala Mode maid service mobile of leaking part and picture. For each leak you estimate time needed for repairs and cost of material from rev istas edu.

ASG Energy solutions, our compressed air leak management program make things easier for you. We incorporate a leak management program into your facility’s operations. Including finding the leakage and tagging, tracking, repair, verification, and employee involvement.

We set a reasonable target for cost effective leak reduction up to 10-15%. Every leak spot is identified with its own serial number, location description, description of leaking part and picture. For each leak you estimate time needed for repairs and cost of material.

ASG Energy solutions provide complete support from leak identification to fixing the leakages achieving in continual improvements “ENERGY SAVING GOALS” as ISO 50001, our audits can be a good tool in aiding ISO standard compliance…