• Opening Times: Mon - Sat 9.00 am - 6.00 pm

Steam Leak & Steam Trap Audit

Energy Savings Solutions Through Steam Leak Survey & Steam Trap Survey

Steam traps have the potential to play a huge role in a steam system’s energy efficiency. Steam traps are vital components of a steam system. If they do not perform properly, they can be a source of major energy and water loss. Normal wear of traps is a major cause of steam leakage. Steam traps can fail in a way that effectively creates a hole in the steam system.

ASG energy solutions understand the matter of “ENERGY CONSERVATION” and offers best methods for improving steam system energy efficiency through our steam leak survey and steam trap survey using most advanced ultrasound leak detector and Thermal imager will help to accurately determine the condition of steam traps and valves by identifying whether a trap is failed open or closed.

Our survey report provides details of all the types’ leaks, fault and un-insulated locations identified, quantified annual Energy Losses, calculated repair costs to rectify leaks etc…

We recommend to first step in determining what your plant might be wasting as a result of faulty traps is to conduct a steam trap survey……

Call for Audit today

Energy Savings Solutions Through Steam Leak Survey